No regrets spark IG.jpg

No regrets.
Lately I have been evaluating my business and feel like I’ve gotten a little lost along the way. A sincere “thank you” to all that have supported me and helped me survive over the years.
But that’s all I’ve done.  Survive.
I have not grown.  Instead of beating myself up, I am thankful for this realization.  I have started implementing new procedures into my daily routine that are already moving me in the right direction.  Like a breath of fresh air is blasting through the shop and waking me up.
“Being thankful of a realization” reminds me of finding a crack while carving a neck a few years ago.  At first I was pissed, but quickly felt an odd sense of relief wash over me.  I realized that I was fortunate to have found this defect when I did.  It could have shown up in finish or worse yet, in the client’s lap.  This neck was dead.  Thank you for tapping me on the shoulder and bringing this to my attention.  RIGHT NOW.
The past has come and gone, and I’m learning.  Time to focus on the present as that is all we can really control; what we do right now.  So I am thankful for having this realization.
So here’s to you discovering YOUR realization.  Keep an eye out for it and see an opportunity instead of a bummer.

Check out the video below and head over to @chubbuckguitars Instagram to join in with what others are sharing on this discussion.

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