1950’s Fender Custom Triple Eight Console Steel :: restoration.
This steel was missing one of the “trap” pickups, so a vintage replacement was sourced and then all three pickups were sent to Jason Lollar to install new bobbins (original two were collapsed), rewind and re-magnetize. The wiring was completely gutted due to a number of electrical tape splices. Shielded wire was used from the pickups to the switch plate and vintage cloth push-back elsewhere. A new 3-way pickup selector switch and an “all-on” toggle were installed. New pots include a 300k volume and a 1 meg tone with 0.047 oil-in-paper cap. A new output jack was also installed. The rear neck’s #8 worm gear tuner is stripped leaving that neck as a 7 string (the tuners may be replaced in the future). All of the mounting screws were replaced and various holes doweled and re-drilled. The back left corner next to the rear neck tuning pan was cracked and reglued (I’m guessing this steel tipped over at one point).
The client is a mean blues player, but this is his first steel guitar (inherited). The necks are tuned A6th (rear), E9th (middle) and C6th (front). I’m going to be very sad to see this one leave the shop … can’t wait to see another one!