Viewing entries tagged
neck jig

Fret level & dress :: 1989 Sadowsky Jazz Bass [8.8 lbs]


Fret level & dress :: 1989 Sadowsky Jazz Bass [8.8 lbs]

This sweet 27 year old Sadowsky J-bass has been through the shop before and this time in for some high / loose frets.  Before leveling the frets, I glued and clamped down all of the frets to ensure they did not move.  On rosewood fingerboards my glue of choice is thin superglue.  This was a finished maple fingerboard so superglue can make a mess quickly.  I opted for slightly thinned down yellow glue to penetrate down into the slot and easily clean up.  Now the frets are ready to be leveled, crowned and polished.  This player prefers electric guitar action (ie low) so precise fretwork is critical.


Worn out frets :: 2010 Chubbuck Mousa 001


Worn out frets :: 2010 Chubbuck Mousa 001

Six years of heavy daily playing has this guy back in the shop for new frets.  I love how well this guitar has held up over the years, especially with how heavily Andy Mowatt gigs.  Below you can see it's little brother Mousa 003 on the bench just before the neck was glued to the body.

Videos from the daily vlog of pulling the old frets and then leveling, crowning and fret end dressing of the new ones.
